Catalyst Circle Subscription

Become a part of dedicated community by joining the Catalyst Circle.

By making a financial commitment to support the work of the CCC, you are investing in yourself as a leader, in your organization, as well as ensuring the sustainability of our joint work for the benefit of our local community. Together we can build a better, safer and more just community for all who live, work, worship and play in Greater Pasadena.


Subscription Levels

Individual Catalyst

Begins at $20 monthly ($240 annually):

This subscription level is for an individual who attends the CCC Monthly Meetings, whether that individual is clergy, nonprofit, agency or business leader.


Organizational Catalyst

Begins at $50 monthly ($600 annually):

This subscription level is for organizations, churches, businesses, and community partners. This level includes up to 3 attendees at the CCC Monthly Meetings.


Sustaining Catalyst

Begins at $1000 annually:

Sustaining Catalysts share in the city-wide impact of the CCC and help advance the mission and vision in the community. Sustaining Catalysts are also invited to special events hosted by CCC.


All Catalyst Circle subscription levels include the following benefits:

CONNECT: CCC Catalysts receive the opportunity to connect with city officials, non-profit leaders, and other church leaders. This connection emerges from our unique intersector convening power. Catalysts also receive discounts to CCC events.

With your Catalyst Circle subscription, you will receive:

  • Monthly leader equipping, encouragement and networking at the CCC Monthly Meeting

  • Access to important information regarding community events, resources, training, and other development and engagement opportunities

  • Priority and discount registration for CCC Events

  • Know Your City: one-on-one and group meetings with seasoned pastoral leaders in the city

    Exclusive Benefits for Clergy

    • Complimentary full online and in-person access to Fuller Theological Seminary’s library for research and sermon prep (coming soon)

    • Strategic resourcing to support your faith community’s business and missional objectives in areas such as HR, administration, navigating city resources and government, community engagement strategies, and community development

    • Reduced rates on future services such as individualized leadership, community engagement and community development coaching

COLLABORATE: CCC Catalysts access opportunities for collaboration surrounding specific interest groups, organizations and leadership roles. Special focus groups will be convened for subscribers to share resources, reflections, and strategic know-how to address pertinent community issues including (but not limited to) Education Equity, Affordable Housing, and Just Policing.

With your subscription, you will receive:


  • opportunities to gather for support, community building, and mentorship

Non-profit Leaders

  • opportunities to collaborate with other non-profit leaders and church leaders to advance the work of your organization

Make an impact today